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Vintage / handmade garments - how to enter those? » All bra adventures


Vintage / handmade garments - how to enter those?

So I have a few vintage bras/corselettes that are either handmade or so old the tags have fallen off, and I would love to add them here, but I don't think there is a 'size unknown' option. What would you suggest? Some of those are 50+ years, so no hope for trying to find the seamstress or manfacturer.

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Jun 07, 2018 Flag this


  • @JJ should be able to assist with this.

  • If these bras are completely unknown and untraceable. No information about their origin at all? Name of person that made them? nothing?

    If there's absolutely nothing, then they'll have to be unknown brand and unknown model. The information will be useful for your personal records, but the fact that we cannot properly classify them anywhere under any name makes it of little use for others.

    One befit of adding it is that you'd have a public link to share your bra/review/pics/measurements whenever you want to tell someone else about the existence of it. And later on, someone may know more info and we can always re-classify them once we learn mode.

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