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The importance of tight bands » All bra adventures

The importance of tight bands

The most frustrating thing about my bra adventures is the new pain. I now wear a tight 34D or loose 32DD. My old size was 34B. When I was wearing the old size, I never had any back, shoulder, or neck pain. Even if the band was so big I could tie a knot in it. Now that I'm wearing the correct size, if the bra band stretches too much, I get debilitating neck, shoulder, and back pain accompanied by a splitting headache that doesn't go away until I take the too loose bra off. I'm used to toughing pain out; walking it off, getting back on the horse, etc. But the pain caused by a too loose band is impossible for me to tough out. I hope this is something that will go away as my body adjusts to tissue migrating back to where it's supposed to be. Otherwise, I have no idea how the really well-endowed ladies with too loose bands survive!
I'm going to try the suggestions on this page: to tighten the bands on my Freya Halle and b.tempt'd Flirt Alert. I'd love to be able to wear them instead of selling them.
If anyone knows of a better way to shorten bands for the sewing-impaired who don't have a machine, I'm open to suggestions.

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Jun 02, 2013 Flag this


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