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First (painful!) try of my Cleo Lucy » All bra adventures


First (painful!) try of my Cleo Lucy

I have been waiting impatiently for my new bra to dry after the fist wash, so I could try it on and be proud with my new boobs... except things didn't went as I expected !
I got to spend the first half of the day fine, but as the hours advanced the firm centre gore began to bite my skin more and more...
I finished the day repeatedly moving it away from my chest as much as I could because it was painful but then the underwires began to hurt too... I was sooo relieved to take it off at the end of the day !! My skin was irritated red under... Right now I have took it off for several hours but I'm still all sore between and under my boobs...

Why does it do that and can I solve this without not wearing my new beautiful bra ? Do you know if I can stretch the center gore at least a little ? Or do you think it will stretch by itself after a few wears?
I'm sure I'm wearing the right size...

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on May 26, 2013 Flag this


  • I have this problem with the Lucy too. The gore is quite wide and tall, so it causes problems for a lot of people. :( I personally have close-together boobs with some breast tissue in between them, so this gore is a bit of a nightmare for me. I love my yellow one so much though (and my pink one... I have a problem), so I make it work! Here's what I do:

    -Bend the wires on the center gore outwards, away from your body. I hear that Cleo has somewhat stiff wires, but it can be done. Be careful not to break the wires!

    -If that fails, maybe taking in the center gore will help. Keep in mind that this will change the shape of the cups a bit. (it opens them up on top, which is great for me because I'm full on top anyway!) Here is a post where I did this:

    Hope that helps a bit!

  • I had this same exact problem :( I think it's because the gore is too wide for me. I eventually ended up selling it because it had other fit issues for me as well, namely the straps tried to saw my arms off. But what a cheerful shade of pink it was! Oh well.

    I've had better luck with Cleo's other non-padded bras like the Meg and the Natasha.

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