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So... losing weigh should make you feel better, right? » All bra adventures


So... losing weigh should make you feel better, right?

In my case - just the opposite.
Perhaps it would have been different if it was all my effort, not just hormonal changes. But still, more than two sizes down! Who says no to that? Well, me - someone who sees no difference in changing rooms' mirrors, then comes back home empty-handed to see that none of favorite clothes fit anymore. Including bras. Especially bras.
For the last two years I pushed myself back into the Bra Matrix. Well, not fully, but somewhat. It was easier to pick a cheap one with more-or-less fitting cup and alter the band at home than go get fitted, not sure if the bra-fitter is making a mistake right in front of my eyes or it's just another weird thing about my body, so I should shut up and let the proffesional work. See, I actually hated my body more than before the sudden weigh loss.
Today is the first time in years I properly took all the measurements. Which was a huge step for me - seeing all the numbers on the tape, comparing them with the previous ones. Still not sure my body enough to go and buy a second actually fitting bra after the one I got for my birthday - but we're getting back on tracks.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on May 10, 2017 Flag this

  • I hear ya. I lost twenty five pound on a new medication and all or a sudden, none of my clothes or bras fit! Fortunately, when I came of the meds, my weight rebounded to its usual and all the clothes I didn't throw away over the course of the two previous years, all feel comfortable again. And, my bra size has gone from sub 30 to actually 30 which makes a massive difference in availability!

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