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Tall roots but short boobs? » All bra adventures


Tall roots but short boobs?

This might sound weird, but is it possible to have tall roots but with short boobs? I've noticed that in a lot of bras with tall cups (mostly padded/moulded) and/or stiff upper sections, they cut into my breasts, causing quad boob up to my collarbone. However, in a lot of unpadded bras, particularly the panache jasmine, the view from the side makes my breasts look very short and projected in comparison. Is this a thing or I am mistaking tall roots for something else?

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jan 06, 2017 Flag this


  • I wonder if in addition to tall roots you have high set breasts?

  • Could also mean you have a lot of "upper inner" fullness, relatively speaking? I have decidedly short roots and my breasts aren't even that projected, but because I have relatively much upper inner fullness, many bras that technically are too tall for me still cut in ...

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