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How do you feel about Scantilly's campaign? » All bra adventures


How do you feel about Scantilly's campaign?

Yes, I'm complaning about Scantilly again (even though I just ordered the Unleash set because it's hotness). I got an email of them today with their new models featuring buzzwords like "diversity!" and "the new sexy is here!" They're featuring women of different races, an older woman, and some disabled women, which is AWESOME. But, still their largest model is Diana Sirokai, who is gorgeous, but she's probably like a size 16. This--and their refusal to make above 38 backs and XL panties--sends a pretty clear message to fat women: the new standard of beauty is inclusive, but it still doesn't include you. I find this sad and insulting. Another company trying to capitalize off body positivity while not promoting it at all.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Nov 16, 2016 Flag this


  • Boooooo :(

  • Just googeled Diana Sirokai. She said in an interview beinig asked "Have you always been happy with your body?"

    "Yes. I’ve never been unhappy. I believe there are different stages in your life, I’m not going to be sad about the way I look because if I want to change it I can change it anytime. I’m confident in what I am at the moment because I think you have to be. You’ve just got to own it."

    Wow! I just can't believe that! She never was 14 feeling like lots of teenagers - horrible ( which has nothing to do with less or more weight but with being a teen.)
    She believes it was possible to change her looks anytime? Omg! I know who can't! Either gain weight or lose it. Don't believe ... it's an ad.
    I feel about the campaign as about every ad. It' fotoshop & lies, it might all be full of political correctness, but it's an ad. They would dress a wet dog in a bathtub with a bra if they would get prople's money doing so.

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