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The Definition of Full Busted??? » All bra adventures


The Definition of Full Busted???

Just something my co-bloggers and I had been thinking and talking about and I wondered what other opinions are. We did a brief blog post on it which I will link, and are curious to hear thoughts on the subject.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jun 05, 2016 Flag this


  • I've seen some people refer to their 30E boobs as full-busted, and that confused me a lot. I'm at 30E and honestly feel pretty small in clothes, though some of it is just self confidence issues. Most stores would size me at 34B or so. Like, I can literally go and pick up any swimsuit or bralette in any store and it will fit me decently at size S or XS.

    So honestly when I clicked on the post and saw her size range I was totally thinking she is full busted. But you know, she's right in that they don't seem huge - just proportional.

  • I've been on a very lengthy facebook discussion about this post, but wanted to repeat a very small bit of what I've posted there, because some ppl thought it was esp interesting:

    (first I commented that women who were augmented to become the size they wanted to be may have a different view than those of us who did not actually want this size. )

    it reminds me of the bit about taller men having more confidence - but it turns out its how tall they were in 7th grade that matters - so shorter men who reached full height early will actually have more confidence than taller men who had their growth spurt in high school

    I wonder if its the same with women and boobs? If you were embarrassed about these enormous boobs showing up before you were even wanting to look sexy, and all these grown men started saying creepy things to you - you definitely think you have big boobs. But if you didnt get larger boobs until you were a sexually active adult who wanted them, its just finally feeling like a real grownup woman . . . without the traumatic effect of having them in 5th grade

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