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Handy help with needle & thread? » All bra adventures


Handy help with needle & thread?

I stand in awe of the people on here who confidently do things involving bras, needle and thread. My sewing skills start & stop at re-attaching buttons, and even that does not bear close inspection! So it is with some hope that I reach out to ask if anyone would be so kind to help with what I think is a rather major bra-adaption. I got a Comexim Papillon longline from Bra Obsessed's clearance bin. It must be one of their first tries, because the whole of the wires oddly float off my body. This bra's wires are just attached to the broad band, and the poor cups don't know what they're supposed to do! From the measurements and some fabric pinching, I'm pretty sure it will fit OK if I can get the wires to sit the heck down. Plus I read somewhere - perhaps a bra blog - that this exact problem can be resolved by adding a supporting band or elastic along the bottom of the wires. Obviously this is way beyond my limited abilities but I am in love with the butterflies and the comfort of the longline and don't want to give up without at least trying. So I am wondering if anyone would be willing to try their talented hand at an experimental customization? I can send pictures, measurements, etc. and have no expectations. I'd be happy to pay for it and even provide supplies! Any other tips/advice also welcome. Thank you all!

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Apr 09, 2016 Flag this


  • you could also ask around for local seamstresses

  • This issue is universal to Comexim longlines unfortunately :/// It's a major construction flaw. lcl0706 did something to her Joy longline to make it better, and she's pretty awesome with her sewing machine.

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