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Buying a bra on a limited budget? » All bra adventures

Buying a bra on a limited budget?

I have come upon $50 USD to spend on bras. I am having a very hard time finding one to buy. I need a molded cup. My ribcage is 29" and my bust is 44". I no longer fit in the Curvy Kate Showgirl Range, having grown out of my 28J/30HH.

I'm very interested in buying an Ewa Michalak bra but it must be custom made to fit me. And that also makes me want to get it in a few sizes bigger to be able to grow into it, as I am only 17 and will most likely grow more.

But at the same time, i'm interested in buying a sports bra. I have Fibromyalgia and wasn't taking any medication for it, so wasn't able to work out or do much. I gained a total of 15 lbs and would like to lose it and more. Would a sports bra be the better buy? And if so, what size/brand would be best?

Any help would be great.

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Shared on Oct 06, 2012 Flag this


  • Have you tried Ewa Michalak yet? My recommendation would be to order a bunch of bras in a 30/65 band (yes, EM bras run tight) and try to figure out your cupsize. Your cupsize can vary significantly depending upon cut/style. Since Ewa runs tight in the band, chances are good you will get something wearable from your first order. Only if you find you really need a 28 band would I custom order from Ewa.

    Also, how do the regular Curvy Kates fit you? I also cannot quite get why you think you "need" padded bras - unpadded bras can be just as supportive as padded bras if they are the right size and the right cut for you.

    I can also recommend checking out The Big Bra Bar, they have a good selection in 28 bands that you cannot find elsewhere.

    As for a sportsbra, try the Shockabsorbers in 30HH. If this is too small, pray that Freya will bring out its Active Underwired in a 30J soon.

  • First thing: Can you wear two crappy sports bras combined to exercise in? This is what I do (I have FM as well, btw), but I am smaller than you-only 28FF/G to 30G/GG (UK sizing) at my largest. Anyhow, if that works, cheap out on the sports bras by doubling those and then get one nicer bra. Don't get a custom one yet since your size is still changing.

    She didn't say padded, she said molded. I need molded as well-there are a host of reasons in my case, including a piercing, which shows through thin lace cups. Also, FM makes my skin hyper sensitive at times-molded cups work better for me, too.

    Breakout bras is having a sale this weekend, and they have the Curvy Kate Smoothie-that might work for you.

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