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Bra fitting help » Rippling sides, wires feel little wide

Panache » Jasmine Balconnet Bra (6951) » 30G 30:9

Issue resolved

Will order band up and cup down if reordering this bra. I do think it does work on FOB too, not just for FOT, because of the smooth and soft, very flexible lace.

Original problem

Not knowing if this is a size/shape issue, or just that the bra would benefit from thicker side panels. One size smaller cup would be better? But would that be comfortable? 30G is recommended by ABraThatFits.

The wires are perfect before hooking in the band, but size 30 band pulls out the wires under my arms a bit. I would like still narrower wires, but will this always happen on size 30 bands for me? I think I have narrow and short roots. I feel size 30 is supportive and comfortable, but should I try size 32 to give the wires more space to stay in shape?

Should I keep this bra for the comfort regardless of the rippling on the sides, or should I order a band up and cup down 32F, or any other suggestions?

Bras that actually fit me the best are 65J Comexim Sonia (bit small cup), and 30FF Freya Fancies (bit wrinkling lace).

For this cost I might still venture to start ordering Ewa Michalak instead. Wondering if Sm Triumf or S Marcepanowa Magnolia might fit. What size should I order from EM?

ABraThatFits calculator UK 30 G
Loose Underbust:78
Loose Underbust:75
Tight Underbust:69.5
Standing Bust:97
Leaning Bust:100
Lying Bust:98

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