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Bras » Forever21 Lingerie » Scalloped Lace-trim Bralette (2000132517) » S

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Gore height0.0
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  1. 1

    Didn't fit

    Interestingly, I like this. A lot.
    It's a "poor fit" for a few reasons(and I would NOT recommend it for most people):

    1.Stretchy band even in a small. Rides up. A lot.
    This is always an issue with "S-M-L" sized bras: I could get an XS, but the cups are already leaning towards too small.

    2.Cups are further apart than I need. This causes my boobs to look saggy a lot of times, imho. I don't understand why popular store bras always have such a wide gore! It's actually not too bad on this one, but I still wish the cups were closer together.
    I could honestly make do with so many 32D's ... if the freakin gore wasn't so wide. -_-

    3. Non-adjustable straps. Yellowberry (yeah the kids' stuff) is the only brand with bralettes I have tried with adjustable straps. And they have tighter bands and give an amazing shape. Yay kids bras.
    Most bralettes don't seem to have adjustable straps, and that's just silly.
    For me, this is actually ok because this has the perfect length straps for me anyway.
    I guess I shouldn't include this in why it's a poor fit for me. So now this is more of a "cons" list. Oh well.

    4. Gore doesn't lie flat for several reasons.
    I will never find a sized Small bralette that has the right cups. This is the dumbest sizing ever.

    But, I love the look, I love the fabric; it's like bed sheet fabric. It's super weird. But comfy. For me. I can't see everyone enjoying this. It's cheap, but it feels great to me. Probably because lately the feeling of my bed sheets is the most amazing thing ever.
    I get a rounded, pushed up shape, without the band being at all supportive, underwire, or anything. It's witchcraft.
    And I can wear this and feel no weight from my boobs.
    I wouldn't recommend this to most people besides as a fashion accessory type..thing..really. But I love it.
    So many bralettes just sit on my boobs and do nothing, but this sits on my boobs and creates an appearance that I like.
    Anyone with a pretty small bust, who doesn't care about support or just wants a sleep bra or something, or anyone who has wire issues (like me not being able to find small enough wires with the depth that I need, and wires pinching my skin under my arms after wearing all day), this works pretty well.
    But honestly. It's cheap, it's not supportive, and I don't recommend it to many people. Lol

    I'm considering buying another one, cutting an inch or so off the band, and adding hooks. That would make this so much better.

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    Navy colorway

    Updated on Sep 29, 2015 Flag this

    • 1

      I've been having trouble finding bralettes that fit too. I need them as "sleep bras" because I feel weird without a bra on even in bed. I wish they would make bralettes with a small band but medium cups. I'm making do with a few size small lightly padded ones from VS. I bought some Xhiliration ones from Target but the size Small was ridiculously small. Which makes me think the mediums might actually work. You might like them because they have hook closures :
      If you are interested, they were cheaper in store than online. They're on clearance plus an extra 20% off if you use Cartwheel.

      I like your idea of altering the bands yourself though. Update if you do end up doing it! I have zero sewing skills or else I would try it too. I wish there was a place I can mail bras to get altered/fixed. I'm that inept at basic sewing that I would pay someone to do it -_-

    • LoisVain ooh Thank you :D I will check them out today being as I have off ! :)
      I feel weird without a bra going to sleep also. I normally wear a lace Aerie, but their lace bralettes are the worst for me. :(

      I do believe some Etsy users will customize their bralettes for you, but a lot of them are so expensive. Though I guess it may be worth it for a custom bra. Idk.

      I will definitely update if I alter it! I have zero skills too which is why I'd buy another one haha. Tried making a simple pillow once, with a machine, and still failed xD
      Learning how would definitely be useful though, seeing as bralettes should seriously have hooks and almost none do.

      Having a place to mail them in and be altered would definitely be amazing x_x

    • Looks cute and comfy and in the end that's all that really matters, isn't it: how it makes you feel :)

      If you think the "gore" is too wide you can also consider taking some of the length out of the band there, at the centre front, by sewing through both band and (part of) the cups. May need to get the next size up, though, as this would reduce the available cup space.

    • Looks cute and comfy and in the end that's all that really matters, isn't it: how it makes you feel :)

      If you think the "gore" is too wide you can also consider taking some of the length out of the band there, at the centre front, by sewing through both band and (part of) the cups. May need to get the next size up, though, as this would reduce the available cup space.

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