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Bras » Comexim » Size range » 85O - 38:15 » Reviews

  1. Paola Lg (574)



    Didn't fit

    Oh man.... I was really hoping I could have a successful Comexim order because of how much I love the look of this bra but the fit on this is just terrible. Overall, the bra is just not shaped right. The bra seems to just assume VERY outer full breasts. The apex of the cup is too far outwards for me, and there's a lot of empty space of the outside of the cup. The cups are also too tall overall, while the gore is very short so I fall out the center (I actually had a nip slip out the top of the cup about 15 minutes after putting it on). I'll try to get measurements up soon, but just wanted to add to the large cup Comexim fail reviews we have going

    Updated on Dec 10, 2018 Flag this

    • Show all comments (17)
    • 1

      Lmao Comexim's been on a ROLL these days. The shape is pretty bad but i'm also concerned about complete lack of separation in this case. Beautiful bra though!

    • I am hoping someday they will redesign the K cups. It's always the same thing, too much fabric on the outside, not enough in the middle.

    • Oh no. I second brasaremean comment. They are on a roll for sure. This is a travesty. I'm so sorry. I thought about ordering this one with the Ardea I added to btb yesterday, and boy am I glad I did not. Yikes.

    • What a shame. It's gorgeous, though.

    • 1

      Thank you kermitdafrog21 for adding this. It looks like you experienced a lot of the same issues I did with Beatrice. You are 100% spot on with them expecting your breasts to be out to the side instead of out front, like we're hiding them under our arms like footballs or something. It's so sad, as I love their patterns (& prices!!)

      If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone with the Comexim fit fails. Here's my Beatrice fail with a lot of the same issues as you:

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      MamaPagan Your breasts don't hide in your armpits?! Lucky!
      But seriously. Yes. They must think we're smothering them right under there or something.

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      DerangedDragons19 My breasts are splayed and like to hang out there. I don't really want them there!

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      Sovavosi Splaying is a little different from the shape Comexim is giving us :)
      But I 100% agree. If I wanted my breasts to hang out there all the time, I'd just lay down all the time, which really doesn't seem like such a bad idea really...

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      I think if they want our breasts under our arms, we should get quarterback pay. ....
      42 27 36 Hike! :-D

      (I am not a football fan, so I may have my references wrong, haha)

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      Even with my boobs actually folded into my armpits (like in the pic where I'm leaning forward) there's STILL too much armpit fabric.

      As far as the lack of separation goes I have mixed feelings about it. Its done poorly here as I just fall out the middle but my boobs touch (unsupported I have like 3 inches of cleavage where they're in full contact lol) but if done well it might actually be nice to not have a gore sitting on breast tissue.

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      kermitdafrog21 I'm going to guess that Paola is an extra deep plunge, I really wanted this one so I guess I'll have to tell them regular plunge? Standard plunge? I don't know what they call them.

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      Or request Raised gore? If I order another padded from them, that's what I'll request. :-/

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      MamaPagan Raise gore by how much?

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      Now that is the tricky question. All my Comexim gores are different, without any consistency.
      My Patricia 60Q was 3.1" while the 60P was 3.65" when I requested a lower gore haha. That one is supposed to be an extra deep plunge. Graffiti regular 60P was 4" but the one I ordered with reduced gore by 2cm was 3.5". My other plunges ranged from 2.5" to 4.25" without much consistency. So for me, I may just request a specific height, like 4.5" to insure it's higher even if they ignore the specific request.

    • Wow, triple cleavage😂
      This looks wider than your ribcage.

    • 1

      Have you tried narrowing the gore? In my size (40JJ) there are no options with enough center room for me that are forward facing enough. Usually narrowing the gore gives me enough room that a bra is an acceptable fit. I also found the deeper plunge to be more outward facing- the regular is much more centered and way lower where the straps meet the cup.

    • 2

      Also I just love this bra. If you don’t want it or the other most recent Comexim you have I’d love to try them.

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