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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Chp Oksana (1029) » 60GG » Bras » Owner


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Ya girl here got that short short full on bottom/full on top/ functionally projected probs with usual tall roots issues that cause mad gouging & cup creasing and general mayhem regardless of scooping descooping foolery, I mainly settle on what FEELS good & gets me 'strapped in' first & foremost, forget about looks.

To everyone out there dismayed at the pitiful lack of depth & NEEDS a FOB friendly *short* halfcup that's supportive, comfortable & won't cut ya in half while looking GREAT- this bra is proof of such a miracle. Purely my own observations, but this is one of the few styles I've been able to size down (!!!) in and manage decent wear despite not containing all of my tissue entirely- nothing shoved out of the cups, so none of the usual stabbing. Which is kind of an obsessive dream when you've a very short breast and everything is ultra tall & displaces boobage outward to weird areas (aka anywhere but where they should be). CHP is made of nothing but pure projection at the wire out, which is pretty impressive in a world where brands believe breasts only exist to be crushed to hell & gone everywhere and anywhere they can get away with doing it.

I'd purchased this from another member here after 1.5 years of size fluctuation cornering me at that time into wearing mainly:
-60H/HH Ewa S cut & Comexim halfcups (only getting more room near the top of cups in both- top of cups only becoming taller/higher instead of fuller or more depth below at wire- ouch)
-Slumming about with CH & CHPs sister sized up (bought well used & desperately needing temp retirement to rebuild aged bands)
-Wearing out cheapie Ava and Gaia that increasingly had me overflowing, thus gore scooting down while pinching painfully at growing pitmuffin
-Gritting teeth through the terrible frame issues of that armored tank otherwise known Cleo Hettie in 28H (such rough harsh fabrics & gigantic frame UGH)
-Assorted luxury brands that began to cut in above while scooting farther away from underboob, while bands in smallest available size failed to anchor whatsoever

Compared to my undecorated CHP Ewas I was concerned that decoration could create a more constricting fit and limit the overall volume available but that didn't occur here or in the teal CHP Cherry... but I also must concede that there's a limit to the good fortune found in this cup shape- this surely ISN'T the most projected shape of all and does end in an abrupt seamlines which bluntly limit 'lift' to the outermost area of a breast- the longer ones shape, or the greater the distance from inframammary fold to breast apex, the less success might be met with this style as it then would limit one's tissue projection upward/sideways out of the cup.

Oksana's build and textiles are very user friendly workhorse, & make this style a versatile wear for many circumstances. Materials are fine, soft yet firm, neither itchy or irritating, foam in cups seems thick yet breathable which I can appreciate having annoyingly HEY HI HOW ARE YOU nips that tend to feel sensitive & swollen much of the time, band nicely taut but all aspects well measured so none of the elastic cutting in or wearing out, straps soft yet supportive and not prone to slipping out of position.
This specific bra came to me with a strap setting altered inward which makes it moot to speak on them being side-set or not, they do rest over the exposed upper half of my breast but they're not pressing in at all or pushing upper tissue outward, or pulling the outer cup back up over my outer breast (super common for me to find sideboob to band gap & have to guess is this cup too small, band too big or the strap just line directly up with the outer wire arm which cuts off my arms).

Like many of my beloved tan & black lace ewa michalaks I've accrued so far, at this point my teen has claimed Oksana creating a weird situation where we steal it from one another around laundry days, & I need to just let her 'win' the tug of war as it's only wearable at the lowest point in the month now & gives me a huge flattened zone at inner breast just below and next to the gore while there's a few inches of uncontained boobah on the outer upper end of the cup.

So long Oksana, you're a real one. I will be missing you.

Updated on Jun 26, 2024 Flag this

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