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Bra » Avocado » Skin (S212HCQ) » 60H » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band69.9
Band Length55.9
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width14.0
Cup depth26.7
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length26.7
Cup height17.8
Cup separation1.9
Gore height7.0
Wing height9.4
Strap width1.4
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Hasn't set fit

Fits ribcage 27
B. perimeter 11.5
Stretched Band 27.5
Band Length 22.0
Stretch ratio 1.2
Cup width 5.5
Cup depth 10.5 (10 at rest to 11 worn due to mechanical ease)
Depth ratio 1.9
Wire length 10.5
Cup height 7.0
Cup separation 0.7
Gore height 2.8
Wing height 3.7
Strap width 0.6
Strap length 14.5
Hooks 2

Feels like a cross between Panache Jasmine, & Ewa Michalak SM cut

Adore this smooth lightweight sturdy mesh build, immediate projection is a little lacking as in Jasmine but not as severe. Overall projection better than in the SM.

Cups are a bit shorter/wider than typically found in this sizing (lower wing/gore) and a fair vit of lift in the center of cup but not at the cost of depth. Surely this is due to the lighter materials used. Frame and upper band construction is an interesting mode to right things in and compensate for tissue mobility from lighter fabrics.

While this isn't large enough for me, it's quite close enough to how much closer this design is for my compounded short/full fit needs.

Updated on Aug 23, 2022 Flag this

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