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Bra » Bravissimo » Flora Bralette (LN798) » 30HH-J » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band78.7
Band Length57.2
Stretch ratio1.4
Bust perimeter0.0
Cup width25.4
Cup depth30.5
Depth ratio1.2
Cup height22.8
Cup separation0.0
Gore height10.2
Wing height7.0
Strap width2.5
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Didn't fit


Okay, this bra is just gorgeous. I'm an over-the-top, love-all-the-bright-colors-and-jewel-tones, yay-bring-on-the-lace kinda girl. The color is a beautiful, rich Christmas red, that is a bit deeper and richer than the pics of the bra by itself. The cut of this is almost a clone of the 30HH-J - Bravissimo » Zara Bralette (LN605). Fitwise, though, I found it much stronger and more capable of handling larger boobs than Zara proved to be. (My shapes: full on top, center-full, close-set, tall & somewhat wide roots, narrow shoulders) here's how they compared:

The crochet lace is much thicker and sturdier, which means the band is firmer - wore it on the loosest hook, instead of going straight to the tightest as I did w Zara - and the cups don't stretch out nearly as much as with the Zara. There is a very soft lining inside the cups so there's no itching or direct contact w the lace.

The Zara almost immediately took a dive down my chest, the flimsy band and stretchy cups wilting under the weight of my boobs, pulling the straps downwards as my poor boobs plummeted over the band and made a beeline for my bellybutton. Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit. Still. Not so in the Flora. I only wore it maybe 15-20 minutes, but I didn't notice the same southern migration. The straps stayed on the tops of my shoulders where they belong and the cups held my boobs up well, aided by a firmer band which fit pretty tts. The straps are .75" near the cups & 2"+ near the band in the back. The band goes from 1.5"? near the gore, narrows under the cups, and increases to 3' from the wings to the hooks. Hooks are 4x4

Downsides: since the cups were stronger they couldn't stretch to contain my breast tissue as well, so the cups felt smaller than the Zara's. Comfort was pretty good, but since it's wireless I got a lot more tension on the straps than I would with a regular wired bra. The band and cups were very comfortable, though.

Overall, I liked this bra better than the Zara. Since I could wear it on the loosest hook, I'll be wild and try the 32HH-J in hopes of getting more room in the cups without losing too much support from the band. Realistically, I think I'd need a 30JJ-K - but we'll see!

Red colorway

Updated on Nov 08, 2020 Flag this

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  • 1

    Great review! Thank you very much!
    I have similar issues with my Zara - if I put it in, it's decent. but the boobs push it down and down until the band rides up and the straps cut into the shoudlers very painfully.
    Flora looks great on your and it's visible that the materials are stronger. I hope if Bravissimo gets good feedback from the HH/J crowd, they will expand the size range to JJ/K. I'm glad to hear that the band is firmer so I can try 34HH/J.

  • 1

    alisa I'm cautiously optimistic. I *adore* that red so I have to force myself to be especially objective. I'll def update here when I get the 32 HH/J.

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Fit information

On Jul 2020 View measurements

Cups too small so straps dig in a big more than I'd like.

Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Band fit:
The back of the bra is not at the same level as the front (rides up)
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.