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Bra » Panache Sport » Sports Bra (5021) » 34H » Bras » Owner


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I just received this in the mail after purchasing it from another Bratabase user. I already own a black Panache Sport in 32H which I have pretty much worn the bejeesus out of, since I like to use it as a t-shirt bra and also for jogging/walking my dog. The 32H is very slightly too small for me now - the cups don't contain my tissue at the top, although this is partly because I have very tall roots. I wanted to get a second Panache Sport and was interested in trying it in a cup up, so I grabbed this 34H knowing it would possibly be a bit too big in the band (note: at time of writing, Panache currently only makes this in D-H, although it's been confirmed that they will start making it in D-J in the near future).

My only other experience with a 34-banded sister size prior to this one was an Avocado Greta in 75K, which was a pretty spectacular fail on me mostly due to the massive band. I received the Greta after I paid for this bra and was subsequently worried that this one wouldn't fit. As it turned out, I was pleasantly surprised by the fit of the band - admittedly, I do have to do it up on the tightest hooks and it is still angled up a bit at the back, but I don't feel it moving with wear (I took it for a test run to work in the lab today). It's definitely wearable, even though I've been leaning more towards 30 bands rather than 32s lately. If it sees significant stretching with time, I'll consider taking the band in.

The cups definitely look better on me than the 32H cups. They still don't quite contain all my upper tissue like on the women who model the Panache Sport, but due to the aforementioned tall roots I don't think that's ever going to happen. The gore's too tall for me, but I don't find it uncomfortable - it doesn't brute-force its way onto my sternum to squish breast tissue, like some of Bravissimo's own-brand bras that I've tried. As always, the wires get an A+++ for comfort. The bottoms of the cups don't dig into my ribs at all (this is a problem that I have had with pretty much every bra I own, which I am pretty sure is due to the squishy tummy I am developing as a result of being in grad school" alt=":(" /> ). From Panache's marketing of this bra I believe the underwires are wrapped in silicon gel. I wish all bra wires were made like this! My boobs need the strong Panache wires, but without the digging in.

I have one fit issue that does bother me, and it's that the wings began to bite my armpits at the end of the day. This happened more on my smaller side, and has never happened in the 32H. This is probably a consequence of the bra technically being too wide and shallow for me, but I'm willing to deal with it.

Updated on Jul 02, 2015 Flag this

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Fit information

On Apr 2015 It fit her!

I am doing it up on the tightest hooks; this mostly alleviates the band looseness, although I may need to alter it in the future.

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