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Bra » Elomi » Tiffany Plunge Bra (8810) » 36G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band91.4
Band Length80.0
Stretch ratio1.1
Cup width17.1
Cup depth31.8
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length33.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation3.0
Gore height6.1
Wing height10.8
Strap width2.2
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Didn't fit

I'm just recently discovering my accurate bra size, so I don't have much to compare this bra to as of yet. That said, the cup size on this seemed a tad too big compared to the Fantasie I have that's supposedly the same size. This 36G is a little tight on the band for me, but i'm right at 37" underbust, so I was trying to steer towards a tight band that would loosen to just right over time. The lace and scalloped trim they've chosen however has been unbearably itchy, the center gore was so tight against my breast bone that I thought it might bruise, I couldn't even manage to wear it for the day. It doesn't have any padding, and I love how wide the straps and band are, but loosening the straps to a comfortable level caused some wrinkling in the top just below the strap that I wasn't crazy about.

sapphire colorway

Updated on Feb 27, 2015 Flag this

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  • My experience with Elomi bras thus far is that they tend to run large in the cup - I usually go down a cup size for them. Also their gores can really hurt at first; I bend mine out a bit so they don't stab. They're the only bras I have that I've had to do that with.

  • overthestars I just can't figure out what size it's supposed to be. It fits the same as the other bra I got (Fantasie 2961, labelled US 36G/UK36F), but the label says "US 36G/UK36G" 0.0 - well, which is it, label?! Do other Elomi bras have the same US & UK cup size listed? I thought they should be one cup different.

  • Some brands like to put that uk and us are the same on the tag. A lot of my bras have that. Elomi and fantasie are uk brands, so ignore that US size listed. So your fantasie is a 36F and your elomi is a 36G. They're 2cups apart, that's why they feel different.

  • 1

    Ignore the US size. Just go by the UK size.

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Fit information

On Feb 2015

if the straps are tightened too tightly, the cup fits flawlessly. If the straps are loosened comfortably, the very top of the cup below the strap becomes wrinkled and slightly underfilled.

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Band fit:
I can fasten it, but it feels too tight

This bra didn't fit her, but these did