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Bra » Elomi » Betty Plunge Bra (8170) » 34GG » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band78.7
Band Length66.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width18.3
Cup depth31.0
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length31.8
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height5.6
Wing height11.2
Strap width2.3
This bra's measurements have been altered
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Didn't fit

Of all the bra disasters I've had over the past several months, I think this was the most disappointing. I paid full price for it, and I TRULY BELIEVED while trying it on in the store (over two separate visits to Nordstrom) that it fit perfectly. I knew I would have to take in the band, but I was okay with that since Elomi starts at 34. I think maybe I didn't appreciate the full effect until I did the alteration.

When I altered it to roughly a 32H, several things became apparent very quickly: The bra is all wrong for my shape, so it pushes my breasts down and out to the sides. There is no center fullness or depth to the bra, so I have severe quad boob right after scooping and swooping, for the 5 seconds it takes for my breast tissue to fall down and to the sides to compensate for having no room for inner fullness. And these cups are really wide, so I have all kinds of empty space on the sides.

Beautiful bra, very high quality. Unmitigated disaster on me. Haven't decided what to do with this one yet -- I'll probably put it through fitting advice first. I have lost a fair amount of weight recently, and still seem to be losing. So I'm thinking it COULD be worth holding on to for...some time in the future. Even then, though, I can't imagine the shape of my breasts will have changed enough to make this bra work.

And maybe plunge bras are just all wrong for me. Perhaps I should give up on them altogether.

Updated on Oct 25, 2014 Flag this

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  • Well plunge bras are not my friend so I can't speak to that, but you will be AMAZED how much your shape changes with weight loss. I've lost a whopping 1 cup size and it's already a totally different ball game. Basically none of the bras that fit me in the larger size fit me at this size, like, not one. And ones that were a hot mess at my larger size are fine and dandy now.

  • So far, I think I seem to be losing band sizes instead of cup sizes. And isn't Elomi best for shallow shapes? I'm just not sure this brand is going to work for me even if I was excited about it to start with. I can't decide whether or not to keep these just for, I don't know, the next time I'm in someone's wedding or something and really need a low-cut bra. I could just put up with being pushed down and out to the sides for an event. I mean, I only quad when I scoop and swoop toward the front and center. This isn't as bad as other plunges I've tried -- I mean, at least it would be capable of containing my breast tissue for one night.

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Fit information

On Jul 2014

Lovely bra, terrible for my shape.

Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Band fit:
The band is definitely too big
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did