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Bra » Curvy Kate » Carmen Padded Balcony Bra (SG2201) » 28FF » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length61.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width13.3
Cup depth22.2
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length25.4
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.9
Gore height14.0
Wing height14.0
Strap width1.6
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Didn't fit

First things first: This bra is so, so very comfortable. The band has a lot of stretch to it, but seems to stay in place despite my sub-28 ribcage (I've only tried it on at this point for reasons which will be outlined below). The materials are all very soft, including the mesh band and outside lining of the cups, which also has lovely lime-green and ivory accents that aren't terribly clear in some of the modeled photos I've seen. I can't imagine a more comfortable longline.

The cups are half-cups like those typical of Freya's, with uplifting two-vertical-seams construction.

However, the cups run much larger than the Curvy Kates I've tried on before (I could wear a 28GG in most of them) and larger than Freya's longline cups (I wear a 28FF in those with the best possible results). Thus I'm inclined to believe the hype that Curvy Kate has, indeed, designed some of their newer models with less-shallow cups in mind. The wires still seem very wide, though--too wide for my breasts.

I don't consider myself particularly shallow, though my breasts are firm and largely self-supporting. The cup height is about 5.5" as measured along the outside center of the cups, though the bra appears to come up way too high on my high-set, short-rooted breasts.

I may exchange this to try it in a 28F, as both the wires seem too wide and the cups too deep. Perhaps this will fix my issues!

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Feb 20, 2014 Flag this

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