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Bra » Elomi » Etta Bandless Bra (8840) » 38G » Bras » Owner


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Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
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This isn't an exceptionally pretty bra, especially in nude, but it's full coverage, unbanded and durable. It has a J-hook which is really convenient for when the bra starts to stretch (after 2 years) and you want more support or for when you need a butterfly back or v-neck neckline. On me, the gore doesn't tack completely when I'm using the J-hook but I don't notice it.

Very comfortable, I sometimes forget I'm wearing anything.

If you're a 38 G or higher, with full breasts, this is the bra for you.

Updated on Jun 19, 2017 Flag this

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