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Bra » Comexim » Bora Bora (439) » 75HH » Bras » Owner


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Fits ribcage0.0
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Stretched Band0.0
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Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
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Didn't fit

Finally, bikini success! Since starting my search for better bras I've been very successful with regular bras, but not so much with bikini tops. Last year, I tried a lot of Freya tops, and eventually bought one that really doesn't match my shape (I'm pretty projected, but not that projected).

So, when I discovered that the Comexim 3HC is pretty great on me, I decided to order a bikini top in the same model. And it's beautiful! Simple and all black, with gold details, which I usually don't care for, but on this top it works.

The half cup shape really looks lovely, and the fact that it's not a halter top makes my neck muscles rejoice! The cups fit, but they are either a tiny bit too small, or a little too closed on top. I get the tiniest bit of quad boob. However, it's not really a problem for me, as it's a bikini top and I don't plan to wear it under clothes. Without clothes, I think I will be the only one to notice the quadding, and it gives me good cleavage.

The band is tight, as all Comexim bras are, but I like it, and the clasp has some sort of security click system that will prevent it from springing open accidentally (I've had a snap happy clasp on a bikini before, that was a bit too adventurous for my taste). The straps are not fully adjustable, and rather stretchy, so I'll probably have to shorten them.

The bra is quite low coverage, but I like that the cups are not as short as the Ewa CHPs. This means there is little risk of nipples peeking out.

I'm interested to see what happens once this gets wet, but I have high hopes for this top keeping its excellent shape in the water.

*damn, I need to clean my mirror, it's so dusty!

Updated on Jul 21, 2016 Flag this

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    I have the Bra Obsessed plunge version! Trust me, you won't regret this at all. This bikini holds up amazingly to water. My straps are a little too long for comfort but they didn't get very stretchy when wet and nothing gaped or moved around or anything!

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    Cool, I didn't know there also was a plunge version of this top, but I prefer the 3HC cut anyway. Good to hear that it keeps its shape in the water.

    Do you have the bottom as well? I have a lovely Freya bottom, but it's black with white polka dots, so a slight mis match. I'm considering ordering ordering a matching bottom...

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    I don't, but I kinda want to. I love how soft the fabric is.

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