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Bra » Cleo » Jude (5846) » 30D » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band73.7
Band Length62.2
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width12.7
Cup depth17.3
Depth ratio1.4
Wire length19.7
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height1.0
Wing height6.6
Strap width1.5
This bra's measurements have been altered
had to monkey with wire (see description)
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A 30D felt like a longshot to me for fit, but I ordered it because AMZ was having a huge sale and offering free returns on the 30D, but not the 28D. Also, reviewers' consensus was that the fit was a bit small. Well, the bra does fit, with the exception of there being a small gap in the top of the cup on my smaller side-- fixable with a cookie and besides, this bra is like a bulletproof thing that stands up by itself so it's entirely unnoticeable. Also, the wires are wider than they need to be in that they go about 1/2" around the outside of my roots under the arm. This is actually comfortable and not at all a problem-- the cup is so shallow that there is really no gap in between cup and skin there. Lastly, I only could get the band to stretch out to 28.5 inches (maybe I don't pull hard enough on these things?) and am super glad I did not order the 28D, because this bra on the middle hook on my 27" ribcage is actually painful. (It's fine on the loosest hook, just as it should be.)

Looks like this model is being discontinued, but between now and then, these should be able to be obtained pretty cheaply on AMZ. This one (black with pink) was $14 US. My first impression of the bra was that it was clumsy, hard, and likely to give a bad shape under clothing. But after messing around with it and realizing I was wearing it too low, causing spillage on top (even with my shallow top) and a gap in the bottom of the cup, I simply moved the bra up and it fit fine. I think after a little breaking in I might like this one. This is my first Cleo so I don't know how the sizing compares to other Cleos, but both the cups and band seem to me to run small on this bra. Generally speaking the cup is shallow, good for wide roots and also good for shallow on top girls.

Update: I've had this bra about a week now. After writing the review and entering the measurements, Admin wrote me to ask me to double-check the cup width; at 5.2 it seemed too wide. I remeasured and got 5.2 again, but realized that the wire on the bra might be stretched out, because the fit I was getting was wide (going past my roots, as noted above) and shallow. So, I squished the underwires together a little so they would not be so wide and the cup would be a bit deeper, and --voila! the bra went from something I'd decided to return because of an unflattering (flat) fit to a bra I needed to quickly order another of, because it fit perfectly. I have adjusted the "new" cup width to 5.0. Since this bra has been further reduced to $10, ordering a second one was an easy decision-- I now very much like the fit on me. It looks great under most tee shirts, unfortunately the bright magenta trim shows on thinner ones but other than that the bra is great. The second one arrives day after tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see if it measures the same.

More stuff: since commenting that I though the bra would be good for shallow-on-top ladies, I visited the abrathatfits website and looked at breast shapes and decided that far and away mine resembled the center pic --2/5-- so maybe I am not actually shallow on top after all but even. So please take that with a grain of salt.

Also: this might be a little overkill since the bra is about to be discontinued, but differences were noted in the reviews on the website between bras made in China and those made in Thailand (those being made in China tending to run smaller in the cups). This bra was made in Thailand.

The 30DD is only $9, so I sent my baby sis-- an augmented 28/33 cup size up from my natural 27/32-- an email telling her to GET ONE, though as she is probably more of a half globe now (I haven't actually seen her nekkid), this bra might not work on her. I also have yet to convince her to move down to 30 bands, even after giving her a 32D b'tempted balcony and her raving about the fit. Maybe these things take time? She is still freaking out that her "new C's" are actually D's or DD's. Hopefully she'll get over the sticker shock soon.

09/28-- second bra arrived. It measures exactly the same as the first one after I messed with the wires, save the band is 1/2" shorter unstretched. It also arrived in an obviously new bag with actual balled up paper in the cups (why don't they do this all the time?). So I think the first bra had already been tried on by someone and they somehow managed to distort the wires. These two match so exactly I cannot tell them apart.

Black/Magenta colorway

Updated on Aug 28, 2016 Flag this

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On Aug 2016 It fit her! View measurements

Great! (after messing with wire)

Bras that fitted her next to this