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My armpit rolls are not migrated breast tissue... are yours? » All bra adventures


My armpit rolls are not migrated breast tissue... are yours?

There has been a LOT of talk about migrated breast tissue - what is and what isn't MBT, how it happens, and what to do about it. I have to disagree that armpit rolls are always, or even usually, MBT. I have struggled with the roll there all my life - through weight gain and loss. Hating it. Wishing I could just lop them off.

When I was dressing my 3 year old the other day I realized... she had them too. Poor baby. But at 3 they are DEFINITELY NOT MBT from ill-fitting bras. She isn't overweight at all, either. That's just the shape God made us, I guess. And I don't think my rolls there are MBT either because I've had them as long as I can remember and they have never fluctuated in size very much. It makes me wonder if we as women (myself included) aren't just hoping all those extra rolls here and there aren't just normal body fat but breasts that have escaped and that somehow, some way we can get them pushed into our bra cups, the only "acceptable" place to have body fat.

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Shared on Mar 13, 2013 Flag this


  • I once made a bra adventure that was called "What do we mean with boobs?"

    No one could answer it. No wonder there are so many different bra fitting ideas out there. Because people actually doesn't agree on whether fat on or around the breast is necessary to get into the cups. Everyone just agree about glandular tissue.

    So how would I describe what I see in the picture of you?

    1. A round rib cage. Read more here:

    Those have naturally either far apart or splayed breasts, because the breasts are forced there by the sternum that is somewhat more protruding compared to others. Your boobs will then be naturally east and west.

    2. On the picture you have made up a line where the glandular tissue ends. Your fat is outside of it.

    3. What do we see as breasts? That's the question. Because some would say you are just wide rooted and have cut of your boobs in half because of that round rib cage and your body build in general, that stores fat around your glandular tissue and not just *on* it.

    I would guess you look like me, and here's how I describe myself:

    I am the one that will never have a defined breast root because my boobs are built up with fat all around the boobs tapering towards them.

    Bras are not made for that kind of breasts, because modern bras rely on separating breasts from other parts of the body. So it's all about how we see our bodies, what we think is normal.

    This body type is unusual. It is. I won't say anything else. There is no easy way to bra fit it.

    But there's absolutely nothing wrong with it what so ever.

    I've hated my body the bigger part of my life; fat bones all of it. But I now know that I'm beautiful just the way I am, rolls and all.

    I love my cellulites, I love my fat. I even have learnt to love my bones, even if my rib cage is very "in your face" and so my boobs will always be as well if I fit myself in projected front and center bras, (which just goes against the shape of my body and breasts).

    Please don't call your daughter "poor girl" for looking like you. Try to learn why your body looks the way it does instead. Because there's nothing wrong with your daughter. And there's nothing wrong with you. You just don't look like everyone else. But you're beautiful just the way you are <3

  • Oh and the answer to the question is; No it's not migrated breast fat on me either. But I would say it is cut of breast fat :)

    When you lay on your back gently push it inwards your body and up ad if your hand was a side support panel. See if it ends on top of your boobs. That's what mine does :)

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