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For International Women's Day my workplace took us to a stylist's lecture... » All bra adventures

For International Women's Day my workplace took us to a stylist's lecture...

After seeing what she was wearing my friends and I concluded that it was only going to be good for a laugh, and we were right. Apparently the only colours you should pair with black are grey, white, and more black. WTF? Accessories are out, which begged the question of why she was wearing a gigantic bow in her hair and more rings than we could count. Oh, and stripes make you look older.

The reason I'm posting this here: one of her first topics was underwear. So first she announces that she's willing to bet that there isn't a single large-breasted woman in the audience who is wearing a bra that "lifts and holds what it's supposed to". My friends all immediately snickered and turned to look at me in my CH Onyx, with "are you just going to let that slide?" looks. I joked that I was highly insulted.

Then the stylist told us that "if your bra is comfortable, it doesn't fit". I think, from the context, that she was trying to get the point across about too-loose bands, but all she did was alienate a large portion of the audience.

After that she showed us two bras, both with tiny, moulded cups, one a very deep plunge in beige, the other a green one with some lace, and I think she came out in favour of smooth moulded bras, but I'm not sure.

Then she showed us a bunch of shapewear and asked for a volunteer to model a corset (over her clothes). When her volunteer came up she said "no, actually I need someone with a big butt".

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Shared on Mar 12, 2013 Flag this


  • "no, actually I need someone with a big butt" .... Umm.... Yeah... xD That was nice of her. Ehem.

  • Oh my

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