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So, I was thinking..... » All bra adventures


So, I was thinking.....

So, I was thinking (there I go again): :)

As the terms for single items, the English language gives us:
"pair of panties";
"pair of knickers";
"pair of jeans";
"pair of pants";
"pair of shorts";
"pair of underwear";
"pair of glasses"
"pair of pliers"
"pair of scissors" (there are probably more).

So why is the term for bra not "pair of bras";
the term for corset not "pair of corsets";
the term for girdle not "pair of girdles?

Filed under Clothes

Shared on Apr 11, 2015 Flag this


  • Well, corsets and girdles dont have 2 of something - pants and underwear have 2 leg holes and glasses have 2 lenses, etc. Bras, though . . idk. Because it covers your bosom, not your pair of breasts lol

  • All I can say (as a native speaker, no less) is the English language is weird!

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