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Bra Cleansing » All bra adventures

Bra Cleansing

Just spent 2 hours of my morning going through my undies drawer. The good news...there's more room. Ha! The bad news, of the 27 I had, 13 are still ok (5 of those need modifications), 14 don't fit and 1 of those is the Panache Sport =( I was hoping I'd find a 28FF to trade with on here but it doesn't appear anyone even has one in that size. Not that I wear it for it's purpose, it's more comfortable for me to just wear PJ's and a loose t-shirt (back closure on top of scoliosis while trying to do situps? Yeah no thanks). So some of those I will be listing on here, the better ones that haven't been modified. If you wear 28F, 30E or 32DD keep an eye on the bras for sale!

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Shared on Sep 22, 2012 Flag this

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