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I need a break! » All bra adventures


I need a break!

Ahhh sometimes I just wish I could take a break from my boobs! Like I could just "remove" them for a few days or exchange them for smaller, less heavier boobs.
I'm about to move to a new apartment in 3 days and I'm having so much stress.
But my boobs even make it worse!

I can barely stand my bra wires these days... I am moving around so much, bending over to pack and carry boxes around... after 2 hours I have severe pain from my bra wires. I had to line napkins under them. Also I have neck pain like I had back then when I wasn't fitted into proper bras!

I know moving is stressful for anyone and I'm so anxious these last few days but it would be easier If I could take a break from my boobs :S
Oh I wish there were magical bras that wouldn't hurt and would carry my boobs without putting so much weight onto my shoulders :(

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jan 14, 2015 Flag this


  • Oh, dear, I can imagine. Do you have sports bras that hurt any less? I would just wear my decent exposure unbra if i was doing hard work i cant imagin wearing any of my new 'real' bras for physical work. And EMs arent any more comfortable? sigh

  • I know it doesn't go up to your size, but 2cakesonaplate said that the wireless panache sport provides similar support to the wired version. I know the wired version runs large.

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