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Clothing fit + boobs » All bra adventures


Clothing fit + boobs

WTF? Isn't this just a mild example of exactly how clothes are NOT supposed to fit?

This is pretty much how all commercial clothes fit me when I pick the in-between size as a compromise between fitting bust (just around, which does not assume front is bigger) or shoulder.

Too tight across bust
Back waffly (in this style at least the lower back is gathered)
Shoulders still cut too wide -> set-in sleeves rolling off and hitting at a drop-sleeve seam line
Front length much shorter than it should be
Back length too long

Forms a curtain from bust apex straight down, showing no actual shape in front, but does show pull lines accommodating bust.

Filed under Clothes

Shared on Dec 14, 2014 Flag this


  • I hate that zulily wont let you even LOOK at things unless you sign in now, at least not without a 'sign up for memebership' box blocking most of it.

    I've seen a few people posting pictures of bust-accomodating clothing - i'm too old, I think. I dont want to look like i'm trying to show off my boobs. Plus I have a huge belly. But still - thats how every thing fits me too

  • Ahh, the magic of Firefox dev tools. Signing up for Zulily isn't really worth it for me what with not living in the US, but I like to have a look at what's available every so often. So, if you understand a bit about CSS and how to work the dev tools, it's actually possible to turn off the giant SIGN UP NOW box of doom and look at the actual products without being a member.

    It's probably a totally not worth it workaround, but there is one.

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