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Not bra-related, but I'm trying to help someone out » All bra adventures


Not bra-related, but I'm trying to help someone out

This is for my friend, Heather. She has an inoperable brain tumor, which causes her headaches, pressure behind her eyes, narcolepsy, bad stuff like that. She can't qualify for disability, because she's "not disabled enough" because TECHNICALLY she CAN work, although she is greatly impaired by her condition. She doesn't have insurance, but it's not for lack of trying (you could probably message her for more info as to why, I don't know how insurance works). Her job at Papa John's is a joke, and her manager's cut her hours, because she can't work at the speed of more able workers. She's trying to make more money by doing art commissions, but I don't think it's going too well. Right now she needs a car to get to work and school, because she doesn't want to impose on her friends who can drive. There's more info on her gofundme page. Any little bit helps. And if you can't really donate, we'd appreciate if anybody could share the link with friends and family, or other communities.

Also, if this post is in any way in violation of this community's terms and conditions, I will gladly take it down, or someone should if I can't figure out how. I would put this on my blog but I don't really have any readers, so I was wondering if those of you with an audience could help. Thanks for reading this!

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Shared on Jan 19, 2013 Flag this


  • The ADA pretty clearly indicates in its language that it applies to her condition. She SHOULD qualify for disability, and if the state is denying her that, then she needs a lawyer. In addition, her employer is not allowed to discriminate against her (ie. cut her hours) based on her disability (did he actually say he was cutting her hours based on her inability to perform due to her disability? Is there record of that or are there witnesses? Because she can use that either as evidence to prove she is "disabled enough" or to implicate her employer.)

    The federal disability system is hell, and they will try to cheat you anywhere they can, but it does help to have an advocate. There are a number of non-profits that provide lawyers (free) for the disabled. Here are a few that may help:

    There's also the American Civil Liberties Union (where I work.) She should see if her local branch can help her; if they can't, they might know someone who is able to.

    There may also be local lawyers or nonprofits that could help her- if I knew where she is, I could help her look.

    I'm a penniless student so I can't really donate... but I can help her research options and find an advocate, if she would like me to :)

    (Note: I'm not a lawyer, I'm just an undergrad student studying law, and I work in an office where we do a lot of legal work. I can't provide legal counsel personally, but I can help find someone who can.)

  • We're in the San Diego area, if it helps!

    Thanks for all the info, I'll forward this to her and hopefully she finds it helpful. I really appreciate the effort you've put into this, that's a lot of typing! (To me anyhoo :P)

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