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The adventures of Karmelki » All bra adventures


The adventures of Karmelki

It's been exactly a month from when I placed a special order for the 65K Karmelki from Ewa Michalak.
To be fair, the bra arrived two days ago but I was unable to pick it up because I was snowed in.
But then again, it took me 12 days and 20 emails to place the order. But as it seems to be the case with others, once you get the bra you seem to forget that a certain Dominik ever existed.
I will write down my first impressions as I tend to give a full review only after few days/weeks of wear.

As faith would have it, the bra is much more wonderful then I ever thought it would be. Unlike other Ewas bras I had in my hands, I think this one is truly profound and the delicate embelishments are very toughtful, feminine and by no means do they look cheap. Way to turn a boring nude to somthing worth observing :)

The band is supersnug, on the verge of giving me back cleavage, but I *love* the support and am glad it's this tight as I know it will loosen up with wear.
I *love* *love* *love* the straps on this thing - fully adjustable, comparable to Freya Antoinette in width and comfort <3 AND! They don't bug me under arm as most bras do.

As for the cups, well, to be honest, KK wouldn't be overkill in this one, but then again it is known to run small in both cups and band.
However, this size is certainly wearable and I'm actually glad It fit's like it does because I'm on a serious diet and expect to loose boobweight as well.

As for the time being, I only quadboob when I push my shoulders way back in an unatural position, with the straps tightened to 2/3.
The gore isn't exactly sitting flush, but I will need some wire bending so we'll se how this works. I have to get used to a lower gore, I'm not exactly a fan of boobs touching.
What I'm baffled about is that I get crazy clevage in this even though this bra is 3 cupsizes larger than the pl burgund I've tried o.O Maybe I've tightened the straps too much o.O

What most of you want to know - how's the shape. Well, let me tell you, every word you ever read on Ewa PL shape is TRUE.
The shape is deffinitly green (I'm refering here to this post There is only a slightest hint of boobs being wider than my frame, VERY forward and VERY centered position.
What I find trully amazing is the uplift. In literally every bra I've ever tried (including ewas chp's) I could lift my boobs with hands a bit higher (and think to my self "if only..."). In this bra I can't. My boobs are as high as they can be, and if you ask me - as they SHOULD be. FINALLY!!!!:))))))))))))))

My biggest fear was that the padding would add bulk to the chest which I really don't need and definitly don't want. I have to see what the tape measurer says while wearing this one,
but as for how I feel in it I can only say -
Yes, I think my boobs seem a bit bigger, but not even halfcupsize worth. But I am not sure I can blame it on the padding alone, it's possible also that my it's my boobs finally being in the position they were meant to be in.
So I forgive you Karmelki for making me a itsy bitsy larger because of how you cradle my boobs with comfort and care :)

Now, as for the wires in this, I'd say this is closest to perfet I ever got in a bra that wasn't causing serious quadboob. As some of you may know, my boobs are really deep and I have quite a narrow root for my size so the wires that work for me best are those of a 30H bra's, which you don't get in J's or K's :/
Wires on the Karmelki are only maybe 1.5 cm too wide which is amazing compared to Panache Jasmines I've been wearing lately.

The karmelki is on me for 3 hours now and I must say, it's as comfortable as my broken in Panaches so I am really looking forward to how comfortable it will get with wear.
And I still havent bent the wires - I didn't feel the urge to do it immediately because they aren't slipping down. AT ALL. :)

To conclude, If I was ordering a bra on my current measurments I'd want a cupsize up - because I'd like more coverage and less cleavage. However, this will probably work better in the long run :)
I will put up pictures and a fitting request soon :)
Kisses to all who got through to the end of this text :D

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Shared on Jan 17, 2013 Flag this


  • I had no idea you already got it! Congrats! I'm dying for those pictures :) I'm glad that it works for you :)
    I already thought on giving up on Ewa but you might convince me to give them a shot again. (though I'm still mad about not getting PL Mak)

  • Nice!

    Question: Are the wires wider on bottom and going straight up? ;)

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