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1st Bravissimo order placed! Merry Christmas to ME! » All bra adventures


1st Bravissimo order placed! Merry Christmas to ME!

Normally, I order bras off of eBay because of the amazing bargains you can sometimes find, but every now and then a girl has to treat herself! I've never ordered from Bravissimo before, but I have really been wanting to try their house brand (and have gotten lots of good feedback from a few Bratabase users about a couple of styles in particular.) I found an Alana on eBay in 30JJ and was waiting to receive it before proceeding with my order (just wanted to confirm the fit for sizes.) It took FOUR weeks for it to get to me from the seller, but I only paid USD $12.00, so I can't complain too much. Anyway, the Alana was a bit small in the cup, but other than that, I just loved it! That was the green light to make my order.

Here's what I'm getting:

*Bravissimo Boudoir Beau (Jet/Emerald): 32J (I wanted a 30JJ, but there wasn't a single one available in any color)
*Bravissimo Alana (Iris): 30K
*Bravissimo Mai Blossom (Red/Mango): 30JJ
*Panache Sophie Soft Cup (Candypink): 32J (I am well aware that this may be too small, but I really wanted to try it anyway -- I reeeeeally want a "lazy day around the house" bra.)

I'm pretty confident that these will fit pretty well, based on how the 30JJ Alana fit me. Even if they end up being a tad bit too small, I'm okay with that for 2 reasons: 1) The too-small Alana actually made my full on bottom boobs appear as though they had some top volume, so that was nice to see, and 2) I am hoping to lose at least 15 pounds, so maybe they'll still fit IF I lose some weight.

I also got matching briefs for all (except the soft cup bra) AND briefs to match my Panache Jasmine! Sure, I could have purchased more bras instead of the shorts, but I've decided I want to wear a beautiful matching set of lingerie EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am now on a mission to increase the number of sets that I have and make myself wear them daily, not just save them for special occasions. Why, you ask? Because I never had that opportunity until the last couple of years. Until the discovery of properly fitting small band/large cup bras, I've always worn horribly ugly bras that didn't have (or deserve) matching shorts (I'm sure many of you have been there as well.) Even when I was able to make a matching set, the fit was so horrible that it still didn't do much for my confidence. I'm 36 (will turn 37 later this year), and I think it's about time that I get to enjoy lingerie. Growing up, I was always envious of the girls who could buy lots of pretty stuff from Victoria's Secret, etc, so now it's MY turn. I wanna feel pretty too!

I also am waiting on 2 Ewa Michalak bras that are being transferred to me from the lovely siena! Those will be a first for me as well.

Anyway, I am just so excited to receive everything. Thanks to all of you wonderful girls for all of your input on this site (and to Jj as well!)

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Shared on Jan 13, 2013 Flag this


  • Good luck! And congratulations, I love the Bravissimo Emerald Beau bra, it's so pretty!

  • Oh yaaaay, I'm so happy and excited like I was getting them :)) Is that weird? :)
    Anyway can't wait for the reviews :)

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