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Where to find my sister's size? » All bra adventures

Where to find my sister's size?

Hey ladies. My sister wears a 28C - I finally got her measurements - and I'd love to be able to get her some bras that aren't expensive, or at least point her in the right direction. So far the only place we can find that does 28C in bras that aren't sports bras is The Little Bra Company at $60 a bra. She's a college student without a whole lot of money, and while I can understand spending $60 for a bra, she usually wears 32A or 30B PINK bras from Victoria's Secret - sister sizes, but cheaper, and I want her to be able to feel what having the right band feels like. Brastop, HerRoom, Ewa...none of the places we usually look for for larger sizes have good underwire bras in that small a cup. Where can I look for her? Any ideas?

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Shared on Jan 09, 2013 Flag this

  • Have you looked at Ewa Michalak's new 3D (padded plunge) and 3DM (unpadded plunge) styles? These are supposed to be especially designed to flatter smaller busts. Of course, determining the correct size will be a bit of a challenge as there aren't many (if any) reviews out yet ...

  • I second MilkAndHoney's recommendation of Ewa, I hear she has great small band/small bust bras (especially the new 3D/M styles). Plus, if the size isn't listed, you can email her and she'll make anything down to I think a 24 band or an A (or B?) cup.

    I'd also like to recommend Marks and Spencer, you can usually find them on ebay for pretty cheap. I just looked them up and there's a bunch of 28Cs for under $10, and I'm in the US. Also, their 28 bands are very firm, so if she measures under 28" that could be a good choice. The only problem I've had with them is that their sizing can be inconsistent, mostly in the cups--Once I ordered a 30F that turned out to be closer to a G. So I'd recommend trying a few different styles. Not a big deal since they are pretty cheap.

    In general though, I'd say to keep an eye on ebay. If you save a search for "28C bra," you can get email notifications every time a new listing pops up. And, of course, the sort by price option helps too. :)

    I hope I helped, I'm also a starving college student with a bra obsession, so I'm always looking for deals :)

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