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Aug 12, 2014 » All bra adventures

Aug 12, 2014

I am tempted to keep a new bra that I have to start off wearing on the tightest hook...this has me wondering: what would you say the longevity of a bra that you start off on the loosest hook is compared to a bra started on the middle or tightest hook? I know there are many factors to a bra's lifetime but assuming all things are equal. I have never had a bra not worn on the tightest hook before now and didn't replace them when I should've so I have no comparison.

Edited to add: For those who like me having breasts on the smaller side with a small band size (I am about a 28d/30c) how do you tend to size in wireless bras and bralettes that tend to go xs-l? I am quite ill and pretty much in bed all day every day and these are a necessity for me. I am buying good soft cup bras too but I can't afford a lot because I am not well enough to work, plus I need bras without closures for when I am in the hospital etc. And they are so pretty! ;)

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 12, 2014 Flag this

  • Starting on the loosest hook extends the life of the bra for several months, at least. I would say for the bulk of the life of a bra, it could be expected to be on the middle hooks. The loosest hooks for a few weeks during break in, the tightest only around the time your bra is getting very stretched out and dying. I always sort of think of the tightest hooks as the sign that 'okay, I'm on the tightest hooks, which means I had better order a replacement for this bra soon.'

    That said, you can always alter the band to be a little smaller if the bra fits very well otherwise, either now, or as it starts to stretch out.

    There is also a big difference between a bra you CAN start on the tightest hooks and one you NEED TO start on the tightest hooks which is worth bearing in mind. The bra needs to be firm enough to support you and not move around, but it doesn't necessarily need to be as tight as you can go and still breathe properly. (everyone has varying levels of comfort, so there's a degree to which personal preference plays a part) I generally like a firm band, but I've been wearing them a bit looser lately because certain fabrics seem to be less itchy that way, and I don't seem to have sacrificed any support by doing so.

    I can't offer any insight on your second question, as I'm not in a size range where they're remotely feasible, but I'm sure someone else will have insight there.

  • Well, it's hard for me to compare, because I had a "tightest or middle hook" phase in my life (when I was a young woman in France and a bit slimmer--plus, frankly, they didn't have any bands smaller than the 32s I was wearing so I didn't have lots of other options!) and since gaining some weight post-kids I am usually very comfortable starting out on the loosest hook the way you're supposed to, so that's what I always do.

    BUT with that caveat that I was at two different sizes (32E versus 32G) to be perfectly honest, I did not find that my bras wore out much faster when I started them on the middle or tightest hooks. I had a large-ish rotation (6-10 bras) and hand washed and line dried my bras, and they were what most people here would consider expensive (Chantelle or other equivalent French brands), so that could have worked in favor of longevity... nicer materials and whatnot. However, I also subjected them to a fair bit of abuse as there was no such thing as a sports bra in my size back then, and I was a relatively active young woman. I didn't run, but I walked 2-3 hours a day (not strolling at the mall walking but walking for fitness) and went dancing at least a couple times a week. So those bras saw a good bit more movement and sweat than the ones I wear nowadays!

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