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Shark week for Shark Week- » All bra adventures


Shark week for Shark Week-

So...almost one year since I learned my bras were (WAY) too small and ventured into the world beyond DD (which I didn't know changed!)

I always have my lady "shark week" on shark week- which reminds me of the other life-changing discovery I made a year ago. Menstrual cups. I had never heard of them until by accident I stumbled across a mention of a "diva cup" and was like "what is this craziness?"...and after a lot of research and a chat with my OB/GYN to see if it was legit, I took the plunge!

It's basically a soft silicone cup that you use instead of a tampon. No trash (or puppies getting into said trash) Change only every 8-12 hours. (Yes. I said 12 hours!). No chemicals/bleach. No dryness. Swim. Do cartwheels. Whatever. I haven't had to fork out $$ for tampons or pads in a whole year. Less landfill trash. And it was so much easier to pack for a long trip to Central America! I went with the fleur cup (French brand) based on a low cervix, but even walgreens etc has some brands now. Depending on the brand, one is good for 3-10 years.

Anyways- may have been even more life changing than a bra that fits. I wish someone had introduced them to me 20 years ago. Thought I'd pass it along for anyone who hasn't heard of them.

A good blog for info I found helpful is

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 11, 2014 Flag this


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