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Don't shop for bras when you're tired » All bra adventures

Don't shop for bras when you're tired

I typed an email to an online retailer's customer service and meant to save the half-finished text as a draft, but due to my avoiding of bedtime, I accidentally sent it. Bit awkward. Sleep deprivation also got the better of me tonight and I splurged on three bras at once, simply because I wanted to try them (I don't really *need* three more bras in non-basic colours). Take it from me ladies, save your bra shopping 'til the morning ;) Good night y'all!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 11, 2014 Flag this

  • This happens to me all the time. Especially when I'm ahem, intoxicated, I tend to make a lot of impulse bra purchases. I spent $250 on bras alone this month, but to be fair I've been wearing the same 3 bras for 1.5 years and have been good at keeping impulses at bay until now :)

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