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blue or white » All bra adventures

blue or white

so i have a bra that is white mesh with dark blue embroidery, do i wash with my whites or wash with my blues? (all bras of course, no other kinds of laundry)

Filed under Clothes

Shared on Aug 01, 2014 Flag this


  • You shouldn't be putting your bras in the machine in the first place, and with more bras makes it's more risky. I highly recommend hand washing so it doesn't really matter in the first place.

  • I actually hand-wash my bras in bulk - clean the tub, and then wash them all in a lot. I have found that new bras though, should be washed separately the first few times, especially if they're a color. I've had green or blue dye bleed onto lighter colored bras in the past during their first bulk wash, and once that happens, the dye stain is hard to get out.

    So that's what I would suggest - wash it on it's own the first time or two (preferably by hand, to increase the lifespan of your bra). Once the initial dye bleed phase passes, it shouldn't matter much if you wash it together with other bras.

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