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28 Band Finding Frustrations » All bra adventures


28 Band Finding Frustrations

I recently found this wonderful community and re-measured myself from 32A to 28D. Excited, I ran over to my local Nordstrom and tried on bras in my sister size of 30C, which fit pretty well and are serving as my everyday bras while I continue my search. They are far better than the ill-fitting VS 32A pushups I was stuffing my poor boobs into!

However, I can't help but be frustrated that I have no option but to do my bra shopping primarily online, which feels limited in my size range as it is. After reading posts in this community, I KNOW that I'm not a freak for being a 28 band, a lot of you are too! But I can't help but feel a little like a freak because it's so hard to find my size. I'm sure that most of you have had similar frustrations, and really it's just going to take some time for me to get used to this problem and find ways around it. Sorry, I just needed a little space to vent to people who understand. :)

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 19, 2014 Flag this


  • Well if this helps your perception of yourself, most of the VS models look like they would require 28 bands or smaller (if they were properly fitted). Your body size is the ideal in our society. I don't think anyone looks at you and thinks EWW NOT A GOOD SIZE PERSON. More like the opposite!

  • wendybien Well thank you! :) I just think it's really weird that it's not too hard for me to find clothing in my size, but finding my bra size is nearly impossible! It's less of a body image frustration and more feeling like finding my bra size is like finding a unicorn. Considering that I can find clothes in my size, I don't feel like I am so far on the skinny side of the scale that I shouldn't be able to find my bra size. Thank you for your input!

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