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Night and day difference! » All bra adventures


Night and day difference!

I just got some bras in the mail today from a redditor, and I have to say that wearing a proper sized bra is like night and day!
I tried on all the bras she sent me first, and two out of the four fit!

I then compared how my old bra fit compared to the new ones I received today:

Old: straps too wide
New: Straps don't feel like they're going to fall off!

Old: Felt very um, saggy? Not lots of support
New: Sturdy bras, sits just right everywhere

Old: Sucks
New: Awesome!!!!

I'm so excited to finally be wearing a proper fitting bra! I feel a tad more confident, and a little more grown up (no longer wearing the same size I've worn since...omg forever!)

Thank you Bratabase! Thank you /u/thebrafox! Thank you /r/ABraThatFits!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 13, 2014 Flag this

  • That is wonderful!

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