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Can I live in this? » All bra adventures


Can I live in this?

So, after much delay, my Curvy Kate order arrived about 2.5 weeks ago. I have to say, my love for the Curvy Kate Princess Balcony Bra (CK6001) only grows. I feel like I should buy it in every colour, because not only is it a gorgeous bra, it's SOOOO comfy. It's almost like I'm not wearing a bra, except I still get the shape and support that one gives. Also, after wearing mostly 3-hook bands, it feels weird when I wear a two hook bra now. I also love that they aren't as deep as a most unmoulded bras I've seen, measuring about 9.5" in depth as opposed to the 10.5+ I've seen in other bras of the same size. My only wish would be for a lower gore, since I have literally no space between my boobs once they're supported from the side. Anyone have suggestions for a similar style that has a lower gore/suggestions for DIYing a lower gore on this style?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Apr 16, 2014 Flag this

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