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Lopsided bra band vs pinched rib » All bra adventures

Lopsided bra band vs pinched rib

Since starting to wear my correct band size and learning to swoop and scoop and take care to make sure the underwire is sitting in the breast fold, I've noticed ... well, the root of one breast sits lower on my chest than the other.

Is this common?

I'm finding that if I nestle the underwire in the correct place on each breast, I end up with a lopsided band. Not my favourite look :/

But if I don't, the underwires on the smaller/higher breast pinch and chafe at my ribs.

Anyone else experience this? Any fixes (bending underwires a fraction), or should I just resign myself to walking around looking as if I put my bra on in the dark?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Apr 03, 2014 Flag this


  • I would try a little bit of both, if you have an old bra you don't mind bending up, I would try to bend the wire a little at a time to see if you can make it more comfortable first. Then if that doesn't help, I would think that wearing it a little crooked is in the best interest of you feeling comfortable. Maybe if all else fails have the smaller cup lined with more padding at the bottom to fill in the cup and cushion it from rubbing.... That's just what I would try. Hope you find something that works out. :)
    And one more thing that I've had to do is after the bend and scoop, to take the outer edges of the underwires and wiggle them to nestle the breast tissue slightly so your not grabbing too much skin that got stretched into the cup.

  • I have the same problem, although I haven't noticed the bra actually looking lopsided. Whenever I take my bras off, i notice red marks that are too low on one side, or too high on the other. This may not help you at all since I haven't found a solution either, but I find it just slightly more comfortable letting the underwire sit higher on my larger breast. Otherwise I get horrible digging on my ribs. I haven't tried bending the wires, but maybe it would help? Either way, you are not alone!

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