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Super-cute bras! » All bra adventures


Super-cute bras!

I got a Freya Hopscotch in the mail today, and unfortunately it didn't fit quite right (going to try a cup size down!) but I LOVED how it looked! I'm a very conservative/shy person overall, but I'm getting tired of wearing styles that look more or less like older ladies' lingerie, and I really want to find some things in cute styles. I'm thinking bright colors, cute prints, camo (I REALLY WANT A CAMO BRA AUGH), the Ewa Gazeta I'm seeing floating around, etc. Unfortunately, they don't seem to make a whole lot of these in my size, so I'm stuck envying the selection my smaller friends have again... Any recommendations for a bottom-heavy 30G-GGish girl?
(Especially padded-- I have problems with show-through and really want to find something padded!)

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 18, 2014 Flag this


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