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Feb 14, 2014 » All bra adventures


Feb 14, 2014

Is there an easier way to do full bust alteration? And where do I get that pattern from? It looks complicated by the way.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 14, 2014 Flag this

  • It's not complicated, but it does require a little practice to get a feel how and where all the parts will move. There are plenty of really good tutorials on the internet, there's at least one Craftsy class on the topic, and there are several books that might be of interest. I can help too, if you wish.

    What kind of pattern are you thinking of? A full bust alteration/adjustment (FBA) can be done on ANY pattern, regardless on the style, although some styles are slightly easier to adjust than others.

  • Just a simple one? I really don't know.

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