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Before I Was Properly Fitted » All bra adventures

Before I Was Properly Fitted

I wore a ton of teeny Candie's bras from Kohls. They're cute and I'd love to wear them in my size, but they don't even make a 34D. I wore 34Cs and either dealt with the bad fit or lucked out and got a design that worked well enough for me, even if the size was all wrong. My first holy grail bra was a $6 surprise from my mother in a style that was discontinued. I still break it out and wear it because it's comfortable and works fine as a lazy day tshirt bra.
When that first bra started getting worn out, I went on a massive shopping spree to find a new bra that fit. I was willing to spend the big bucks to do it, too. Budgeted thirty whole dollars for it. I spent three hours in the store trying on bras and ended the day in tears with one "good enough." It was exactly that. A 34C that would have fit better in a 34D, but was close enough that it worked alright, and it was my go-to bra up until I went to get fitted at Necessities by Sherrie in Snellville, Ga.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 13, 2014 Flag this

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