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Feb 12, 2014 » All bra adventures


Feb 12, 2014

Are there any brands/particular bras that are particularly wide-set in the gore? I have trouble with bras being too wide overall such that the straps fall off my narrow shoulders but am realizing that my boobs are wide-set enough that most gores are too narrow and so the wire doesn't sit snugly against the inside of one boob and it gets out of hand and does whatever it wants because it's soft and not properly contained. In this scenario, I can get by better if the gore comes up high enough that this gap is completely contained, but it's still not a great situation. Ideally, I'd like wide gore but not wide cups and not wide overall. Does that exist?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 12, 2014 Flag this


  • It's a good question but wide is somewhat relative. Do you have any idea in numbers of how wide you need? Then you could search by measurements.

  • I was thinking just last night that this would be a helpful piece of information.

    If I measure between the two points where my breast tissue starts on either side, it's at least an inch and a quarter. I have a tendency to look kind of splayed to begin with (ha ha, obviously), so I don't want the whole endeavor to end up really broad-looking. I just have a lot of space in between my boobs.

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