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Ewa Michalak order suspended? » All bra adventures


Ewa Michalak order suspended?

So this is my first time ordering from Ewa Michalak, and I've decided to go for a custom size. Communication was fabulous, they generally got back to me within hours and I don't know, they just came across as really friendly :)

Now, once I've told them what I want, I receive an email the next day that my order has been suspended. I go on my account and see that they have actually created an order for me with the bras I want, in the sizes I want, so presumably they okayed my request and the size I was after was doable.

The email states that the reason for suspension is likely that they couldn't contact me, my info was false or incomplete, or I hadn't paid. This information was also more or less repeated on their site. Thing is, they could contact me (since I had an account and they've been emailing me), and there's nothing on my account that seems to be out of place. I also can't find a link that will allow me to pay for stuff so... yeah. Kinda stuck there too.

I have heard from people that they get a special, separate invoice since they're buying a size that isn't listed on the site or something so I guess what I'm wondering is: is this normal for custom ordered sizes or am I just doing it wrong?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 03, 2014 Flag this


  • That's weird...there was nothing on the order that says "pay for your order" or "request invoice"?
    Maybe email and say,I want to pay for my order,please send it to me so I can.

  • Not sure. I've sort of had the reverse problem in that I've placed a custom order & received a Paypal request to pay fine, but I'm having issues with buying things from the regular site storefront. I keep getting the error message 'You have selected and invalid form of delivery, you didn't select it at all, or we do not deliver to your country'. I'm not getting delivery options as an option, and I know they deliver to Australia because I've got custom things from them before. It's the first time I've actually tried to buy through the storefront because my sister who I'm sharing the order with wanted some matching underpants for her bras.

    Generally you'll get an email to the email with attached to your Paypal with a payment request, or you can go in through the storefront on the site to 'check the status of your parcel' and pay there. If you pay through the storefront, you'll end up paying the Paypal fee twice, but they do refund it (one of EMs shady business practices which I put up with to get bras which actually come close to fitting me, even though the seller is supposed to absorb that).

    So, the big question I guess is has anyone tried to buy anything in the last few days for who the site has let them checkout without any hassles? Am I missing something really important here?

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