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Unpopular opinion time? » All bra adventures


Unpopular opinion time?

So, I might be on the hunt for some Freya, Fantasie, and Elomi bras in 34JJ and/or Goddess bras in 34N. (They all have the same root brand, right?) I actually like the idea of the "flimsy" wires. The ones Panache uses are just way too stiff. I like taking naps. Man, I loooove taking naps. Lots of them, and changing before them is a pain in the butt. My Fantasie Kara is the only bra I own in which I can very comfortably nap. I'm guessing it's because the wires move with me? Or maybe it's just a better shape for me? Either way, as unpopular as Eveden brands are for their flimsiness, I kinda think I want a million of their products.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jan 30, 2014 Flag this


  • I haven't found Fantasie wires to be weaker--in fact, stronger than some other bras I've tried. But I don't wear that size so I couldn't swear to it. I'd vote for the shape fitting you better. Look on this site for sizes. For some reason I thought Elomi had wider wires. I love the look of Fauve but they don't have the upper stretch lace I need.

  • Elomi and Goddess have the strongest wires of any brand I can think of. It's only Freya that has weaker wires of the Eveden brands. It may be owned by the same people but each of hem has very distinct construction.

    Also I have found that I get more support when non stiff materials are used, because the elasticity balances itself out? It doesn't really make much sense to me.

    Also I think Freya has better construction than Fantasie but that could be a personal bias rooted partly in my lack of Fantasie options (and my being bored by their designs).

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