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Jan 26, 2014 » All bra adventures


Jan 26, 2014

I just posted on a FB page this question:
What does it mean if a bra presses into my ribs at the front where the underwire goes? Too tight band? Straps too loose? Wrong style for me?

It only happens for me in my EM bras and it turns out that a whole lot of us are having the same problem.
Does anyone have any advice for us?


Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jan 26, 2014 Flag this


  • If I'm getting this right, it sounds like you're wearing it too low with a cup that is too big or likely the band too small or both. I don't quite understand, so perhaps if you could draw or take or point out a picture that illustrates this issue, I could better help you.

  • Thanks for the reply. It digs in to my ribs at the lowest point of the underwires at the front. The cups seem perfect, but the band could be small. I'll try an extender and see if that helps.

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