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(Bra-) shopping in Berlin! » All bra adventures

(Bra-) shopping in Berlin!

Hi. I'm going to Berlin in March, so I thought I'd ask all you nice people for shopping advice.
If any of you know about lingeri-shops in Berlin carrying some of the British brands, larger cup sizes (I'm a 32H), or just awesome shops I should check out, I'd love to hear about it.
I already know about Doppel D, and I plan on going there (I've been before ), but are there more?
I'd also love to hear about clothing stores that would be worth checking out!
I don't know if any of you know anything, but couldn't hurt to ask :D

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jan 21, 2014 Flag this

  • There's as well. It's an online shop, but you can arrange a fitting/meeting if you send the owner an email. She has different Polish brands apart from OnlyHer (OnlyHer bras don't come in your size).

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