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Parfait Charlotte & Comexim's Snow and Jasmine 2 » All bra adventures


Parfait Charlotte & Comexim's Snow and Jasmine 2

No good news, but not all bad - and it will no doubt help others.
I tried the @Charlotte today in a 34HH. It was absolutely the right gamble for my 32H/34GG's, but is going back to the seller tomorrow because it is far too tall on the sides. I could barely lower my arms. Let this be a warning to other short/short-torso'd folks out there. It was incredibly shallow, so the shape wasn't pretty even though the bra was. Alas.
Next up: @Comexim experiment #1, @Snow in 75K. "Should be" too small in the band and cup according to the manufacturer's calculator, but was lovely in the band and HUGE in the cup. I waffled between going down 2 or 3 cup sizes, but ultimately decided to exchange for a 75H (which is 3 cups in their world) on this one.
@Comexim experiment #2, jasmine 2 in 75K. Almost too tight in the band and fractionally not as large in the cup, so I am exchanging for a 75HH and will wear an extender the first time or 2 if necessary. If the HH is a good guess (that's down 2 cup sizes in their world). I'm still gambling here, so let's hope Lady Luck smiles on me.
The really good news here is that I'm not going to be sized out of any of Comexim's offerings, and they did seem to be pretty, well-made, practical, cheaper than @Ewa Michalak, and cut lower in front of the arms. Anna's customer service was prompt and friendly (thank you, Google Translate). Curiously, I didn't find the wires to be more narrow than the EM's; indeed, I found them wider - but that may be the result of the cups being so overly large. Also, I was surprised to find the immediate projection at the base of the cup not to be as dramatic as the EM's I have. It's one of the things I love about EM, and it was what made me extra cautious about sizing down.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to post any measurements on these because I didn't bring the packages home. But I did want to share my impressions because it was so difficult for me to decide what sizes to get when I placed my initial orders. I will update this adventure when the replacements arrive, and put measurements in. Crossing fingers :)

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Dec 03, 2013 Flag this

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