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Listing a bikini top » All bra adventures


Listing a bikini top

So... I'm thinking about listing my bikini top but I've run into a problem. I don't have Paypal and I don't want to have Paypal. When I've bought stuff from other websites, often Paypal has been the only option. I've managed to pay without any troubles though because Paypal (to my understanding) offers the option for the customer to use the security of their service but WITHOUT having to get a Paypal account. I've simply used my Visa and it has been fine. Have any of you paid for a bra here or sold it WITHOUT Paypal?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Dec 02, 2013 Flag this


  • I had someone pay me once with a bank transfer, but I think that only works out when the person sending the money lives in the same country as you.

    You could always try to find someone to swap you a bra/bikini so you're just mailing each other something instead of exchanging money, or have them pay you by buying you a giftcard to an online retailer.

  • That thing about the online giftcard was really clever actually. I'm not interested in swapping for another bikini so that would be great. But how would it go about? Would @Jj approve? Because I know the bra has to be registered here as transferred.

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